Residential Pest Control
Educate – Evaluate – Eradicate
Do you have a pest problem in your home?
We understand how unsettling it is having pests creep around your home and the destruction they can cause. We recognise the urgency in addressing these issues promptly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to you and your household. We are here to help! Its important for LES to Educate our clients, so our technicians will give you plenty of information about the pest.
All four seasons of the year bring different types of household pests. You can try to eliminate pest problems yourself, however this can become costly if you purchase a treatment product without the knowledge of how to use it properly.
Our friendly and experienced team of professional pest control experts are trained in the safe application of chemical and non-chemical treatments of household pests. Save yourself the headache and worry by calling your trusted local pest technicians. Or if you want some advice just give us a call and we’d be happy to help!
Households We Have Helped
Read how we’ve helped households, and communities, to thrive whilst minimising the risks that pest present.

Insect Control Case Studies

Rodent Control Case Studies