How to control and remove Mink
Mink are an invasive species They can cause significant damage to your property and threaten other wildlife species. Mink can quickly cause destruction to your site costing you time and money. Our expert technicians will use various techniques to find a balance between protecting your property, preserving our native wildlife and environmental biodiversity.
Mink control using fencing, trapping and shooting
Fencing or barriers can be used to stop mink entering bird or small animal shelters or fishponds.
Some pest control companies will use nasty chemicals and poisons to dispatch mink which can lead to a painful death and isn’t environmentally friendly. Instead, we use trapping techniques to catch mink dispatching them humanely and efficiently. They are invasive and pose a risk to other native species and therefore need to be dispatched responsibly by trained professionals.
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Educate – Evaluate – Eradicate