How to prevent and remove grey squirrels
These cute and cheeky mammals are often seen in everyone’s garden feasting happily on seeds, fruit and garden bulbs. They can quickly destroy a beautiful garden or vegetable patch or even orchard. They can also pose and a health and safety hazard by chewing and gnawing through roof rafters, electric cables and plumbing potentially leading to a fire or internal flood.. Like rats they are prolific breeders, spread disease and can quickly multiply in numbers taking hold of your site or premises costing you time, money and your reputation.
Squirrel prevention using proofing, trapping and shooting
Prevention is better done sooner than later. Once a squirrel gains entry to a building, they can quickly cause a lot of damage. Ensuring there are no entry points and proofing is effective in deterring squirrels from entering and nesting in your property. If they have already setup home in your property, then trapping by a trained professional is the next best option. Squirrels when they feel threatened or have young will attack you so employing a trained professional is advisable. If there is a high population of grey squirrels, then our highly experience and trained marksman will use use thermal imaging silenced air rifles to discreetly and humanely cull the squirrel population.
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