During April/May we have spoken with many customers concerned about Starlings nesting in the roof space of their homes. People are frustrated by the noise and worried about the damage that could be caused to their property.
Starlings are a UK resident bird. They nest during April, eggs take about 12 days to hatch and the fledglings leave the nest after about 3 weeks. So overall, the duration in which Starlings cause some inconvenience is limited. They are also in decline, the Starling population in the UK has reduced significantly in recent decades and consequently, they are now red listed as a bird of high conservation concern. Some researchers believe that the decline is related to reductions in accessible spaces in roofs for starlings to nest successfully.
Starlings are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. It is illegal to intentionally kill, injure or take a starling. Or to take, damage or destroy an active nest and it’s contents. Preventing birds from accessing the nest is also illegal.
At Lancashire Environmental Services we completely support the protections in place for Starlings and we will not engage in any treatment activity whilst they are nesting. Once the fledglings have left the nest and there is no further starling activity then we are able to provide support. If accessible, the old nest can be removed and then steps taken to protect the roof space from further nesting activity.
We are very conscious of the impact that reduced nesting opportunities have on Starling populations. So, we are now encouraging our customers to consider the placement of a bird nest box on their house when completing proofing works. Starlings will then have a place to nest even though the access to roof space has been controlled.
We want to create an alternative opportunity for Starling nesting. So, for each Starling bird proofing job we complete, Lancashire Environmental Service will source the bird box and fit free of charge. If customers don’t want the bird box, then we will make the bird box available to others who want to attract nesting Starlings.
Please contact Lancashire Environmental Services if you want some Starling proofing work completing after nesting season has ended. Or, if you are simply interested in having a bird box fitted free of charge, please get in touch and we will put you on our waiting list.
It is a great opportunity to witness these interesting birds busily raising a new family during the months of April/May each year, particularly for children.
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